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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 6 of Chemotherapy

Greg woke up crying last night - said he didn't know why. His legs are still hurting, but he doesn't want to take the Morphine. We gave him some when he woke up this morning anyway.

Today was much like yesterday - tired and not hungry.

We watched the last two session of General Conference today. Loved it.

We are starting to get the hang of giving him his meds. We learned it is better for only one of us (me - since Will will be at work part of the day) to take care of Greg's medications that way we don't get mixed up.

He still has his hair, but they say the side effects take their toll on days 7 - 10. Someone explained it like putting poison on weeds; it takes a few days for the weeds to actually die.

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