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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Beans Done Overnight

SOAK 1 cup of beans of choice over night.
DRAIN water from the beans the next day.

COMBINE in sauce pan:
7 cups of water
soaked beans

COOK for 5 hrs or until beans are very soft and can be mashed.
MASH beans with potato masher and put aside.

FRY in a separate pan:
3 slices of bacon, cut into small slices
DRAIN some of the bacon oil, but leave some in fry pan to be used to fry other ingredients.

FRY with bacon for 10 minutes:
ΒΌ of rope sausage (Hillshire Farm Beef Smoked Italian sausage), cut into thin slices
2 slices of the onion, diced
1/2 of a green or red bell pepper,diced
1 garlic piece, minced
1 Jalapeno, diced (optional, for beans with a bite, add more than one)

MIX fried ingredients with beans.
COOK for another 10 minutes.
SALT to taste

Beans done in pressure cooker:

FILL pressure pan half full of water and add one cup of beans (no need to soak them overnight), cook for one hour.

FRY and MIX other ingredients as listed above.

MIX fried ingredients with beans and cook for another 10 minutes and salt to taste.
Contact Nara with questions.

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