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Sunday, June 29, 2008


Yogurt is fermented milk. Bacterial micro-organisms change the Lactose of the milk in to lactic acid. The lactic acid acts as a preservative and keeps the milk palatable. A yogurt starter is a must. You can purchase a plain unflavored yogurt from the supermarket.

BLEND in a blender:
2 cups powdered milk
2 Tablespoons plain yogurt
3 cups water, lukewarm

PLACE in a jar in a warm area (preferable 110-120 degrees F).

LET it stand undisturbed until set. (The cooler the temperature the longer it takes to set. At 120 it can take 4 hours. Placing jars in 120 degree water and covering with a lid will speed up the process. At room temperature, it can take days.)

CHILL immediately. It will refrigerate for up to 4 weeks.

Yogurt contains a natural friendly bacteria culture (like acidophilus), and is very good for you. Yogurt can be used in place of sour cream in almost everything. For flavored yogurt, add a little jam or bottled fruit or flavoring, or about 1 Tablespoon powdered Jell-O to ¾ cup yogurt and stir.

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